Pediatric Hematology-Oncology
New York City
CALL NOW to schedule an appointment.
Phone: 212-639-5952
Location of PAUL A. MEYERS, MD
MSKCC, Pediatric Hem/Onc 1275 York Ave New York, NY 10065
Pediatric Hematology-Oncology
Pediatric Cancers
Bone Tumors
Board Certification
Pediatric Hematology-Oncology
Hospital Affiliations
Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center
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Insurance accepted by PAUL A. MEYERS, MD
Please contact the doctor’s office to inquire about insurance.
Prices and costs for Consultation Visit
Please contact the doctor’s office to inquire about fees or rates with or without insurance.
About PAUL A. MEYERS, MD New York
PAUL A. MEYERS, MD is a physician (medical doctor) from New York City (NYC) with specialty in Pediatric Hematology-Oncology.
A pediatric specialist is a physician who has extensive training in the diagnosis and treatment of specific conditions in children.
These doctors are specialists in one particular therapy area, such as dermatology, pulmonology, surgery, or ophthalmology, in addition to being pediatricians.
Pediatric specialists are who parents would take their children to when they are diagnosed with a condition requiring specialist treatment not provided by their pediatrician or primary care provider.
While specialists in any area are qualified to treat children as well as adults, pediatric specialists have specific training in the way diseases affect children who are still growing and have different emotional needs than adults.
An oncology specialist is a physician who focuses on the diagnosis and treatment of different cancers. This physician has extensive knowledge of the different signs and symptoms of cancer, as well as the various methods of treatment.
Oncology specialists diagnose cancer through methods such as biopsy, endoscopy, X-ray, blood tests, ultrasound, and different forms of nuclear medicine.
Oncology doctors treat cancer through surgery, chemotherapy, radiotherapy, hormone therapy, or antibody treatments.
If it is determined that a cancer cannot successfully be treated, oncology specialists then focus on providing palliative care – the use of pain medication to make a dying person more comfortable.
PAUL A. MEYERS, MD is board certified in:
Pediatric Hematology-Oncology New York, NY
PAUL A. MEYERS, MD have expertise in:
Pediatric Cancers
Bone Tumors
Sarcoma New York, NY
You can find PAUL A. MEYERS, MD at:
Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center
Last updated on: August 14th, 2022